[GIS] PostGIS extension not available in Postgresql list


I have installed Postgresql 9.2 from graphical installer in Ubuntu 13.10 and Install PostGIS 2.0.3 through StackBuilder. All things went smooth. But it is not possible to create PostGIS database as there is no extension present in Extension. As far I know two more extension is needed to be there named 'postgis' and 'postgis_topology'. I have tried


but it returns there is no postgis.control file within the extension folder. What should I do now?

Best Answer

The postgresql apt-repository has postgis now, and I put together some instructions for pulling from this to install postgresql 9.3 and postgis 2.1 (if that version of postgis will work for you).

View the instructions here, and let me know if they work for you!

I would steer clear of enterpriseDB especially for Ubuntu / Linux. They have told me on support forums that they are not really supporting postgis on Linux properly.