[GIS] postgis: cluster/group points based on distance


We have a set of thousands of points and want to group all of those which are within 100m distance from each other (to get the centroid from each group). A first idea was to build 100m buffers around each point and to union/group all intersecting/overlapping polygons to one (but there can also be non-overlapping polygons within one cluster, see screenshot) – after that, we could simply calculate the centroid from the merged polygons. But I do not know how to do that in Postgis (in QGIS there is a simple tool called 'dissolve' that merges overlapping polygons, but we want to automatize the process)

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can group points using either the recursive query or PL/PLGSQL procedure described in the answers to this question. Just substitute ST_DWithin for ST_Intersects/ST_Touches, as appropriate.

If you're comfortable trying something experimental, you could build PostGIS with purpose-built functions to solve this problem: see the ticket on trac (code available on github)

Update January 2016: The "experimental" functions described above are no longer experimental; ST_ClusterWithin and ST_ClusterIntersecting are available in PostGIS 2.2. I highly recommend PostGIS 2.2.1, which includes a very important performance fix for these functions.