[GIS] PostGIS and geometry column


I have a csv table. Each record includes a start node (lat1,lon1) and an end node (lat2,lon2).
I have already imported the .csv into Postgresql 8.4. Now I would like set the geometry column. I tried to use this sql statement:

UPDATE mytable
SET the_geom = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || lat1 || ' ' || lon1 || ' ' ||
               lat2 || ' ' || lon2 || ')',4326);

but I receive this warning message:

WARNING:  OGC WKT expected, EWKT provided - use GeomFromEWKT() for this
            ERROR:  new row for relation "mytable" violates 
            check constraint "enforce_dims_the_geom"

Do you have any idea on how to add geometries in my case?

Thank you

Best Answer

You're constructing a POINT with four ordinates. To the parser that looks like a POINT ZM. You want to construct a LINESTRING.

ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint(lon1, lat1), ST_MakePoint(lon2, lat2)), 4326)