[GIS] Poor Performance when using Spatial Indexes in MySQL


Re-post of a question asked on Stack Overflow when it was suggested this would be a better forum.

I'm trying a little experiment at pushing a data set which is not geo-spatial but fits it quite well and am finding the results somewhat unsettling. The data set is genomic data e.g. the Human Genome where we have a region of DNA where elements like genes occupy specific start and stop coordinates (our X axis). We have multiple regions of DNA (chromosomes) which occupy the Y axis. The goal is to bring back all the items which intersect two X coordinates along a single Y coordinate e.g. LineString(START 1, END 2).

The theory seemed sound so I pushed it into an existing MySQL based genome project and came up with a table structure like:

CREATE TABLE `spatial_feature` (
  `spatial_feature_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `external_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `external_type` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `location` geometry NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`spatial_feature_id`),
  SPATIAL KEY `sf_location_idx` (`location`)

external_id represents the identifier of the entity we have encoded into this table & external_type encodes the source of this. Everything looked good and I pushed in some preliminary data (30,000 rows) which seemed to work well. When this increased past the 3 million row mark MySQL refused to use the spatial index and was slower when it was forced to use it (40 seconds vs. 5 seconds using a full table scan). When more data was added the index started to be used but the performance penalty persisted. Forcing the index off brought the query down to 8 seconds. The query I'm using looks like:

select count(*)
from spatial_feature
where MBRIntersects(GeomFromText('LineString(7420023 1, 7420023 1)'), location);

The data going into this is be very dense along the Y dimensions (think of it like you've recorded the position of every building, telephone box, post box and pigeon on a very long road). I've done tests of how R-Indexes behave with this data in Java as well as others in the field have applied them to flat-file formats with success. However no one has applied them to databases AFAIK which is the goal of this test.

Has anyone out there seen a similar behaviour when adding large quantities of data to a spatial model which is not very disparate along a particular axis? The problem persists if I reverse the coordinate usage. I'm running the following setup if that's a cause

  • MacOS 10.6.6
  • MySQL 5.1.46

Best Answer

Something must be wrong with your mysql installation or the .ini settings. Just tested a geospatial index on my old mac (10.6.8 / MySQL 5.2). That configuration is similar to yours and I tested the big geodata dump (9 million records). I did this query:

SET @radius = 30;
SET @center = GeomFromText('POINT(51.51359 7.465425)');
SET @r = @radius/69.1;
SET @bbox = CONCAT('POLYGON((', 
  X(@center) - @r, ' ', Y(@center) - @r, ',', 
  X(@center) + @r, ' ', Y(@center) - @r, ',', 
  X(@center) + @r, ' ', Y(@center) + @r, ',', 
  X(@center) - @r, ' ', Y(@center) + @r, ',', 
  X(@center) - @r, ' ', Y(@center) - @r, '))' 

SELECT geonameid, SQRT(POW( ABS( X(point) - X(@center)), 2) + POW( ABS(Y(point) - Y(@center)), 2 ))*69.1 
AS distance
WHERE Intersects( point, GeomFromText(@bbox) ) 
AND SQRT(POW( ABS( X(point) - X(@center)), 2) + POW( ABS(Y(point) - Y(@center)), 2 )) < @r 
ORDER BY distance; 

It took just 0.0336 sec.

I do use the above query e.g. for comparisons between tables where the table where just the lat/lng values for @center come from has a plain INDEX from city_latitude/city_longitude and the 9-12 Mio. table from geonames.org has a geospatial index.

And I just wanted to add that when anybody inserts the big data in a table it might be more performant to add the index after INSERT. If not it will take longer for each row you add ... [but that's not important]