[GIS] Polygon geometry suddenly disappeared/deleted from shapefile in QGIS


I was editing a polygon shapefile in QGIS (3.0.1) today when suddenly 966 out of 5382 polygons disappeared from the map. I had been changing attribute information in the table, cutting polygons, etc as I was going along and saving my shapefile regularly. The polygons are still in the attribute table (if I select all my polygons using a spatial selection and then inverse the selection, the lines with the missing polygons show up) but an error message (zoom failed, feature has no geometry, "le zoom vers l'entité a échouché, l'entité n'a pas de géométrie") appears when I attempt to find those polygons. There was no spatial clumping to the lost polygons nor a common attribute.

enter image description here

Comparison of yesterday's file (purple underlay) with today's corrupted file (black hatched)

I can't share the file because it is proprietary so I realize that it is limited what can be troubleshooted just on my description. I have the back-up in our server from end of last workday so I will have only lost one day of work but it is still frustrating.

Best Answer

Not sure if this is any help, but have you got the polygons categorised into colours etc in the properties panel. It happened on mine where i changed attribute but never had the new attribute in the category so manually added it and then it showed up.

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