[GIS] Point size based on one and color based on another attribute value in QGIS


I am pretty new to QGIS and have a question concerning the visual styling of points based on attribute values.

I've got point data with a few attributes. Now I want to style the displayed points according to several attributes:

  1. point size according to one attribute
  2. point shape according to another attribute
  3. point color according to a third attribute

Is this possible with QGIS? If yes: Howto? All I found yet only allows to style only one point property according to one attribute column (either size OR shape OR color) – but I want to use all 3 styles at once….

If this is not possible: whats a recommended way to get my desired result?

Using QGIS 3.12.3 Bucuresti on Win10

Best Answer

This is the layer, without symbology:

enter image description here

And those are the variables of the table:

enter image description here

You have to add the expression in size, color, and shape definition, like this:

enter image description here

First, you have to go to symbology, select a simple market, and select this:

enter image description here

Second, you have to choose, edit:

enter image description here

This will show you the expression builder:

enter image description here

And in the expression builder you have to do this:

For the size is you have a numeric value, you can add, multiply or divide, to get small or high numbers, like this:

distance + 2

For the color, I multiply for 30 in order not to exceed 255, I used the next expresion, :

color_hsv( "vertex_index"*30, 92, 82)

And for the shape, is necessary to see the name of the shape that you want to show, for example:

if (angle < 90,'triangle', 'circle')

Finally, you have this symbology:

enter image description here

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