QGIS Analysis – Plugin for Average Distance from Node to Polyline in QGIS


Is there a plugin available that will calculate this?


The red polyline is the average distance of the point to the black polyline. The red polyline is what I want to display. Alternatively, is there something which would calculate the radius of the circle so I can use a buffer?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Using QGIS and GRASS, this should be doable:

  1. Split the line using v.segment
  2. Add the point you want to calculate avg distance for
  3. Use QGIS "Distance Matrix"
  4. The last column in the matrix should contain all distances. You just need to calculate the mean.

I'm sure there is a GRASS alternative to distance matrix (v.distance?). As far as I know, there is no equivalent to v.segment in QGIS yet.