[GIS] “Please ensure that the GDAL_DATA environment variable is set and try again” on Kubuntu 12.10


I'm having a problem loading the 'convert os gml to ogr' plugin in QGIS 1.8 running on (k)ubuntu 12.10.

Basically, clicking the plugin prompts the error:

"Please ensure that the GDAL_DATA environment variable is set and try again"

I've tried setting the environment variable via instructions here: (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FAQInstallationAndBuilding#WhatisGDAL_DATAenvironmentvariable) with the terminal command "export GDAL_DATA=/usr/share/gdal/1.9"
but to no avail (i'm not even sure this is the right course of action…)
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

I solved it. Environment variables needed setting according to the KDE (rather than plain ubuntu) method. Using the instructions here (http://userbase.kde.org/Session_Environment_Variables/en) i created a script called 'gdal-qgis.sh' that contained just "export GDAL_DATA=/usr/share/gdal/1.9", and saved it to $HOME/.kde/env. Rebooted, and i can now convert.

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