[GIS] Placing image inside of Label using ArcGIS Desktop


In ArcView, can I add an image to a label?

Assume I have the photograph path as an attribute.

Best Answer

in the label symbol dialog you can set the text background to a symbol marker
symbol marker select properties

then marker text background

marker text bkgr
select symbol.
pic marker symbol Then you have the option to select several types. One is picture marker symbol.
Which allow emf and bmp. (sorry no svg).

Another way is to use the ballon callout
ballon callout
Select symbol
there you get some choices again for the fill of the callout box.
select picture fill symbol
symbol fill picture
Again you get emf and bmp format choices.

Another choice would be to use a point feature class and put the layer in the mxd twice. Once for the symbol, and a second for the label. Use a picture marker symbol
Point marker

as the symbol and use offset xy to move it away from the original point marker.
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