[GIS] pgAdmin vs psql


I have downloaded postgreSQl 9.3 and Postgis 2.1 recently as an educational adventure and have been working with both through the pgAdminIII interface. I haven't used psql yet when working with my simple data sets (.shp and .dbf tables) as I learn my way around both programs, creating databases and tables/views and then working with them in QGIS 2.2 (another open source program i am learning my way around)

My question: Are there advantages of using one over the other (pgAdmin vs psql) or are there certain situations (database/data entry,creation,editing etc) where one should be used over the other?. Or are they essentially both the same and thus a matter of preference?.

I understand that one is a user interface and the other is command line…Much of the open source material is all new to me (both my education/work background are with ESRI products) so excuse the simplicity of my questions.

Best Answer

If you are working on your workstation it's more a matter of taste. Knowing how to use psql is useful for some situations like running sql scripts from files, pipe it with other tools, etc. It depends on your needs. My everyday work is done using pgAdmin and I only go down to the CLI when needed.

On the other hand psql is sometimes your only option when you are on a remote server that you can connect directly so having some knowledge is always fine. psql has some nice features like autocompletion and database objects listing that can be really time saving.

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