[GIS] Parsing raw data from GPS tracker


As a side project I've been hacking together a simple tracking system for my wayward dog using a cheap GPS / GPRS tracker.

I've successfully got it transmitting data to my server over GPRS but while the tracker display shows the correct LAT / LNG the data sent via. GPRS is out (by 8° LAT and -0.37° LNG) so I'm guessing I need to do some post processing?

Raw data


which has 4 fixes at 20s intervals which I've parsed out as;

[lat] => -4.026244
[lng] => 55.564382
[date] => 2013-10-15 16:53:18

[lat] => -4.026248
[lng] => 55.564386
[date] => 2013-10-15 16:53:38

[lat] => -4.026259
[lng] => 55.564371
[date] => 2013-10-15 16:53:58

[lat] => -4.026266
[lng] => 55.564364
[date] => 2013-10-15 16:54:18

Best Answer

So the answer was staring me in the face, the coordinates weren't returned in decimal notation they're degrees + minutes so;

55.564382° is actually 55° 56.4382" which in decimal is 55 + (56.4382 / 60) = 55.94063667°

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