[GIS] Parameterized insert query to PostGIS fails


I have a PostGIS database table that I need to insert data into. I'm using Python 3 and the pg8000 interface to Postgres. Somehow, parameterized inserts do not work. If I do

iq="INSERT INTO points(location) VALUES(ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(:lat :lon)'))"
cursor.execute(iq, {"lat":lat,"lon":lon})


iq="INSERT INTO points(location) VALUES(ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(? ?)'))"
cursor.execute(iq, (lat, lon))

Then the query fails with a ProgrammingError:

pg8000.errors.ProgrammingError: (b'ERROR', b'XX000', b'parse error - invalid geometry')

This, however, works:

iq="INSERT INTO points(location) VALUES(ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT({0} {1})'))".format(lat,lon)

What am I doing wrong in the parameterized query?

Forgot to mention that, the database query works, if done with PgAdmin against the PostGIS base with some random point coordinates.

Best Answer

You can't insert a parameter as part of the text input parameter (i.e., ST_GeographyFromText expects one text parameter, not two double precision parameters).

Rather than messing around with string formatting, I recommend that you parameterize the double precision coordinate (avoiding "binary -> text -> binary" conversions) with something like:

iq = "INSERT INTO points(location) VALUES(ST_MakePoint(?, ?)::geography)"
cursor.execute(iq, (lon, lat))

NOTE: I've reversed your coords to "lon, lat", which was incorrectly "lat, lon" in your question.