[GIS] Overlaying lines and aggregating their values for overlapping segments using R


I have a number of routes (5 in this
example data)
stored in a
SpatialLinesDataFrame called r. These have different origins but all
converge on the same destination
(Manchester Airport):


Each contains the variable All, representing
on the number of people regularly using each route.

How can I merge the lines such that the sections where they overlap are allocated a value of
sum(All) for all the lines passing through there?

The red and yellow lines, for example, have All values of 210 and 395,
so the orange line going north-south should be a segment with a value of


> r_overlap$All + r[4,]$All
[1] 605

But I need all the merged lines in one layer, with each new Lines object representing a segment with a single sum(All) value, not just 1 as above.

The data above is stored at raw.githubusercontent.com/npct/pct-data/master/test-data/airport.geojson so the solution can be demonstrable and reproducible.
An R-based solution would be preferable to me.

The below code was used to load and view the data using the new geojsonio and leaflet packages:

pkgs <- c("geojsonio", "leaflet", "sp")
lapply(pkgs, library, character.only = T)
download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/npct/pct-data/master/test-data/airport.geojson", destfile = "l.geojson", method = "wget")
r <- geojsonio::geojson_read("l.geojson")

plot(r) # check the data is there
r@data # look at the data

r_overlap <- gIntersection(r[1,], r[4,])
plot(r_overlap, col = "red", add = T, lwd = 5)

r_overlap$All + r[4,]$All

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addPolylines(data = r, color = c("red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange"))

Best Answer

Here you go. A couple of utility functions and then the meat in one function (and no for loops :))

islines <- function(g1, g2){
    ## return TRUE if geometries intersect as lines, not points

sections <- function(sl){
    ## union and merge and disaggregate to make a
    ## set of non-overlapping line segments

aggit <- function(sldf, attr, fun=sum){
    ## simplify down to SpatialLines
    sl = as(sldf, "SpatialLines")
    ## get the line sections that make the network
    slu = sections(sl)
    ## overlay network with routes
    overs = over(slu, sl, returnList=TRUE)
    ## overlay is true if end points overlay, so filter them out:
    overs = lapply(1:length(overs), function(islu){
        }, overs[[islu]])
    ## now aggregate the required attribute using fun():
    aggs = sapply(overs, function(os){fun(sldf[[attr]][os])})

    ## make a SLDF with the named attribute:
    sldf = SpatialLinesDataFrame(slu, data.frame(Z=aggs))

lineLabels <- function(sldf, attr){


> r <- readOGR("airport.geojson", layer = "OGRGeoJSON")
> ag = aggit(r,"All")
> plot(ag)
> lineLabels(ag,"All")

ag is now a spatial lines data frame with the aggregated variable. The plot lets you check it all adds up. Because your routes are a bit like a river network, you can see how the "flows" add up at the junctions:

enter image description here

Seems right to me...