[GIS] Overlapping polygons causing issues with Tabulate Area (Spatial Analyst) Tool


I am attempting to create a table that summarizes habitat information for a given survey area. My habitat information is in the form of a local raster file, with codes for specific habitat classes. My survey areas are circular buffers saved as a local polygon shapefile. Many of these polygons are overlapping. When I run the Tabulate Area (Spatial Analyst) tool, the values for overlapping polygons totals to less than what they should be. It appears that for overlapping polygons, only the area not overlapped by another polygon is being tabulated. If I select a single polygon and run the Tabulate Area tool on it, the values that are output are correct.

Is there a way to work around this without running the tool for each individual polygon?

Or if that is the only way, is there any suggested Python code I could use?

I am using ArcMap (ArcGIS 10.3.1).

Best Answer

You could use a search cursor and iterate all the rows of the polygon and do the analysis:


Modelbuilder is also an option:
