[GIS] OSRM server for public transport not a trip on roads by cars


I implemented the OSRM server for routing but I want the path of a person using the public transport lines (Bus) ; instead of getting the road path.

On building the OSRM from the pbf file I used the command

osrm-extract *.pbf -p profiles/car.lua 

May be because I am extracting car paths?

Best Answer

As far as I'm aware, Bus is not an available parameter to be extracted via OSRM server. OSRM does not do transit routing.

As mentioned here as well Routing of Public Transport based on GTFS #1961

However, based on this comment I found in a thread in a different forum How setup for bus way? you may have this as a workaround.

The profiles determine whitelists / blacklists for road types, road surfaces, how to handle obstacles like barriers and access tags, and of course they determine maxspeeds. You can start by copying the car.lua to a bus.lua profile. You can the adapt for example the speed on certain surface types.

Here are further resources:

Note how OSRM does not do transit routing, though. If you check the OSRM-talk mailinglist archives there are posts about bus routing and transit routing coming up ever so often: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/osrm-talk

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