[GIS] Operation on mixed SRID geometries


[I'm new to the site and my English is poor, so it is difficult for me to explain my problem. But there is no other person I can ask.]

My question is related to this exercise http://postgis.net/workshops/postgis-intro/joins.html, but it gives an error when I run it.

subways.name AS subway_name,
neighborhoods.name AS neighborhood_name,
neighborhoods.boroname AS borough
FROM nyc_neighborhoods AS neighborhoods
JOIN nyc_subway_stations AS subways
ON ST_Contains(neighborhoods.geom, subways.geom)
WHERE subways.name = 'Broad St';

The error is Operation on mixed SRID geometries

Best Answer

Go back to Section 4 and make sure you input SRID 26918 as the SRID for the shapefiles you loaded (if you loaded them in pgAdmin).

PostGIS will throw and error if the SRID's being operated on directly aren't the same.

There's some description in Section 15 about this.

You can check the SRID on your geom columns using:

SELECT ST_SRID(geom) FROM nyc_streets_or_other_table LIMIT 1;