[GIS] OpenLayers with Google, Bing & MapQuest – Does it violate the terms of service

bing-mapsgoogle mapsopenlayers-2

to my understanding, you are not allowed to use the Google Maps API to display Google and Bing maps (Layer Toggle) (From the terms of service). However, I'm unclear if I can have an OpenLayers map that allows the users to switch between Google, Bing and MapQuest. I want to let the user be able to choose the best Satellite/Aerial data available for their location. I'm really unclear if this is a Terms Of Service violation.

Any ideas?



Best Answer

I'm not a lawyer. But i think it's okay. I've done it for years now on several implementations and this is the first time I've ever heard of this concern. As long as you have the "Powered by Google" when you're on the google layer and follow the rest of their terms such as not charging people to access that layer, then you're fine.