[GIS] OpenLayers Label styling (font size)


I have a polygon dataset that I am symbolizing in OpenLayers using a context to determine the correct color, and also a label for each polygon that I want to alter depending on the zoom level.

But although my polygons get colored as they should, my labels don't change. If I test this with a point feature and no symbolization, my labels do change the way I want. So I guess this is something to do with the way rules and context are applied? How can I fix this so that the labels change size with the rules?

var ratingStyle = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
        "default": new OpenLayers.Style({
            fillColor: "${getColor}",
            strokeColor: "#000000",
            fillOpacity: 0.7,
            graphicZIndex: 1,
            label: "${ADMINUNIT}",
            labelAlign: 'cm',
            labelOutlineColor: "white",
            labelOutlineWidth: 3,
            fontSize: 12,
            fontOpacity: 1
        }, {
            context: { //this is for the polygon color
                getColor: function (feature) {
                    return feature.attributes.RATING == 'NotRated' ? 'transparent' :
                    feature.attributes.RATING == 'Low' ? 'green' :
                    feature.attributes.RATING == 'Moderate' ? 'yellow' :
                    feature.attributes.RATING == 'High' ? 'red' :
                    feature.attributes.RATING == 'Extreme' ? 'black' :
        }, { //rules for labels?
            rules: [
                new OpenLayers.Rule({
                    minScaleDenominator: 50000000,
                    symbolizer: {
                        fontSize: "0px"
                new OpenLayers.Rule({
                    maxScaleDenominator: 50000000,
                    minScaleDenominator: 20000000,
                    symbolizer: {
                        fontSize: "10px"
                new OpenLayers.Rule({
                    maxScaleDenominator: 20000000,
                    symbolizer: {
                        fontSize: "12px"
        "select": new OpenLayers.Style({
            fillOpacity: 1,
            graphicZIndex: 1
    }, {
        extendDefault: true

Best Answer

Have you tried to realize the scale-dependent font size with a second context-function? You can get the scale with map.getScale()