[GIS] OpenLayers Hide/Show Layers from external checkboxes


I'm using OpenLayers with mapserver to display a lot of raster images and queryable wms layers. Everything works fine, the layers can be turned on/off in the OpenLayers layer switcher…But now I want to turn on/off the layers by external checkboxes and I don't know how to do this.

I'm little bit new to Javascript-the only thing I know is that I have to pass the checkbox layer value to an OpenLayers function. Till now I tried to call a function with an onClick event

<input type="checkbox" name="ckeckbox_layer1" onClick="layervisibility(this.checked);">

But I don't know how the function 'layervisibility' has to look like so that my layers that are actually placed in the openlayers init() function turn on/off correctly when I check/uncheck the checkboxes.