[GIS] OpenLayers 2.12 + click handler + get the name of the vector



I add several vector layers (KML content got from jQuery GET) in this way:

var layer1Vector= new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('activeInfo');

It works quite well.

Instead of adding the

selectControlKml = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
    [layer1, layer2, ***], {
        clickout: true, toggle: false,
        multiple: false, hover: false,
        toggleKey: 'ctrlKey',
        multipleKey: 'shiftKey'

I knew that it's possible to add a "general" click handler event

OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
        'single': true,
        'double': false,
        'pixelTolerance': 5,
        'stopSingle': true,
        'stopDouble': false,
        'delay': 0
    initialize: function(options) {
        this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.defaultHandlerOptions);
        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); 
        this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
            this, {'click': this.trigger}, 
    trigger: function(e) {

        if (e.target._featureId) {
            //var feature = vectorLayer.getFeatureById(e.target._featureId);
            alert('click on fea' + e.target._featureId)
            //$(e.target).css('fill', '#000000');
            //$(e.target).css('cursor', 'wait');
            //$("div#info").append("<span>You just clicked on " + feature.id + "<span><br />");

If I click on a vector layer I have to open different custom popups (qTip2). The code:

if (e.target._featureId) {

works, but how can I get the layer name based on the e object? I analyzed all the methods/properties, but without having success.

One of my layers was defined as:

var layer1Vector= new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('activeInfo');

I need to get 'activeInfo'.

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Since this is the vector in this context... this.name will give you "activeInfo".

trigger: function(e) {

        if (e.target._featureId) {

here's my console.log(this) within trigger function.

enter image description here


So your problem is that you're trying to assign the click handler before the layer has been created.

This Works. Here I have moved the call to the addControls(vectorLayer) function after you add the layer. This works fine. Notice I've added a layer parameter. This will make it easy for you when you're adding and removing layers.

Once you remove a vector Layer the handler is gone with it. If you add another layer, simply call the addControls(yourNewLayerName) function to add the handler to the new layer.