QGIS – How to Open GeoJSON Style Properties in QGIS


I constructed a GeoJSON file (exemple below) that works fine with http://geojson.io. This GeoJSON file has style properties e.g. 'fill' (hex colour) and 'fill-opacity'. They appear on geojson.io but when I open the file in QGIS 3.10 by adding a vector layer, the colours properties don't show.

{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": [
{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[5.604925,45.708015],[5.623456,45.719947],[5.640689,45.747767],[5.64793,45.763158],[5.656838,45.760535],[5.676472,45.708344],[5.676312,45.696625],[5.661048,45.694019],[5.617312,45.674177],[5.604925,45.708015]]]},"properties":{"code":"01015","densite":28.3,"fill":"#40b5c4","fill-opacity":0.5,"nom":"Arboys en Bugey","population":640,"stroke-width":0,"surface":22.6},"id":"13"},

Best Answer

you have to use data defined overrides for that, see picture below

enter image description here

if you want to take the opacity field in count, we have to change the data defined override and use an expression to put the separate opacity and color fields together. QGIS is expecting the opacity information within the color value as an alpha value between 0 and 100. The expression then would be:

set_color_part( "fill",'alpha', "fill-opacity" *100)

in the data defined override dialog select "edit" and enter the expression:

enter image description here