PyQGIS – How to Open Attribute Table Using QGIS Python Console


Is it possible to open an attribute table from the Python console or through a Python script in QGIS?

Best Answer

Yes you can, at least with the latest master version and 1.8. It is a method exposed via iface

// C++ (signature)
void showAttributeTable (QgsVectorLayer *l)

# PyQGIS (example)

You will need a preexisting reference to a QgsVectorLayer.

For direct editing of features it is also a method exposed via iface:

// C++ (signature)
bool openFeatureForm (QgsVectorLayer *l, QgsFeature &f, bool updateFeatureOnly=false)

# PyQGIS (example)
iface.openFeatureForm(iface.activeLayer(), feature, False)

You will need a preexisting reference to a QgsVectorLayer and a QgsFeature in both cases. The feature form opened and whether it is editable are dependent upon app settings and whether the feature's layer is in edit mode.

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