ArcGIS Pro Layer in ArcMap – Opening ArcGIS Pro Layer in ArcMap


I received a layer package (lpkx) from a client. Finding out I couldn't open it in ArcMap led me to discover that this is a newer version of the software (ArcGIS Pro).

I managed to install that and license it. But once I opened it in ArcGIS Pro I quickly found out that the functionality to add proportional piecharts is not (yet) implemented in Pro, so I can't do the things I need to do.

Now it appears that the entire file from the client is useless, as I can't open it in ArcMap either.

Are there any possible fixes?

Best Answer

If you don't need the symbology that is packaged with the layer, you can simply unzip/decompress the lpkx and grab the FileGeoDatabase within that contains the data.

As for the symbology, you'd need to publish the LPKX to ArcGIS Online and then download the symbology from there.

So, no easy work-arounds, but you do have access to the data itself from within the lpkx without much hassle.

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