Open Source GIS – Tool for Reading Esri File Geodatabase (.gdb)


I have an ESRI File Geodatabase (.gdb) file that I would like to convert to shapefile (or any other non-proprietary format). Are there any Open Source tools to do so?

Best Answer

In the geospatial world a directory ending in .gdb is usually the Esri File Geodatabase Format, which has an open API which many 3rd party programs can read -- /, , and GlobalMapper to name the ones I'm familiar with. Gdal/ogr is open source and is included in many other applications like QGIS and SAGA.

Windows end users can most easily get the filegdb driver via the OSGeo4W gdal-filegdb package.

For developers, the gdal/ogr FileGDB driver is not included by default as the Esri SDK needs to be downloaded and installed separately (see build instructions).

A file ending in .gdb is likely the Garmin GPS Database format used by MapSource and Basecamp and the open source can read it, see Batch converting Garmin GDB to GPX?.