Landsat-8 – Open Source Solutions for Mosaicing and Correction

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I am familiar with the major commercial remote sensing packages (ENVI, IDRISI ERDAS, etc), but I haven't previously had the opportunity to utilize open-source solutions.

I have a several new Landsat-8 images that I would like to mosaic for both simple display and analysis (land cover classification). Is there a go-to open source software for this, or are there many options? A tutorial would also be excellent.

Best Answer

You may consider GRASS GIS which offers a rather complete processing chain for Landsat including radiance correction for Landsat 8. For details, see


  • Landsat 1-5,7,8 data import
  • Auto-enhance colors, natural color composites
  • Calculate Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance and band-6 Temperature
  • Haze removal
  • Atmospheric correction
  • Cloud identification
  • image classification
  • time series analysis
  • Export of results
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