[GIS] Open Source solutions for building a Traffic Management System


I am trying to set an Open Source alternative to proprietry ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) The goal is to build a Traffic Management System for a middle size city center. Main requirements are:

  • Visualization of road network (especially junctions) on the city map
  • Managing traffic lights, cameras and other equipment on roads
  • Reporting real time data from sensors, cameras (big data ?)
    Also a traffic simulation tool is required. I couldn't find an open source alternative to it because 2D and 3D simulation is needed.

Can you advice me the best FOSS4G components to build up a system like this?

Best Answer

IRIS is one existing open-source solution you should probably be aware of:

IRIS Screenshot

From Wikipedia:

IRIS (Intelligent Roadway Information System) is an open-source Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) software project developed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. It is used by transportation agencies to monitor and manage interstate and highway traffic. IRIS uses the GPL license.

See its administrator guide for implementation/architecture details.

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