[GIS] Open source solution to convert terrain data to collada


I am exploring how to convert terrain information (DTED, SRTM, etc) to a 3D mesh file. Collada is preferrable as it is very compatible.

I have read this: Converting dem and geotiff to collada model with texture?

and followed the process of exporting terrain in QGIS using Qgis2threejs, selecting the File Export template, but no .dae file object is created – only several .js files.

I get that broad questions are frowned upon on SE, but I'm not sure how else to phrase it. Does anyone have a recommended method to convert a terrain raster to .dae or other widely compatible 3D file format?

Best Answer

You can examine the answers to the Bjørn Sandvik question to find the best open source tool to create a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM).

1) With SAGA GIS Creating TINs in SAGA GIS, that can be used in QGIS processing (Stereo Lithography File format, STL).

2) With Python and osgeo.gdal GIS SE: Generating a Mesh from DTM (Polygon File Format or Stanford Triangle Format, PLY) or with the phstl module: Convert GDAL rasters to STL mesh (STL format)

3) With GRASS GIS v.out.ply (PLY format)

4) With GDAL and Meshlab (Automate your Meshlab workflow with MLX filter scripts (PLY format)