[GIS] ogr2ogr, convert from shp to postgis error


I am trying to import a shapefile into PostGIS using the ogr2ogr tools that are built into the FWTools package. In my import process I am receiving an error that I don't know how to deal with.

ERROR 4: Unable to open city.shx or city.SHX. 
FAILURE: Unable to open datasource `city.shp' with the following drivers.

My code is:

ogr2ogr -overwrite -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=myhost user=myuser dbname=mydb password=mypass" city.shp

I have confirmed that the shapefile does not have the associated SHX file, but now what? To make it worse, I have a whole lot of files to import that I assume will have the same issue because they also do not have an SHX. Any thoughts on how I can resolve this problem?

Best Answer

I just tested. Deleted the shx of a copy of a shape file and used this utility.
It worked a million! Try it.