Google Earth Engine – Obtain Monthly and Yearly Average EVI Values Using MODIS Data


I am currently trying to export and obtain rasters of EVI for:

  1. Every month of the year across 2000 to 2018 ie. If January has two MODIS EVI images, I would like to take the mean of the images for January and export one image for January 2000, and January 2001 and so on.

  2. Similarly, I would like an averaged value of EVI for every month of the year across 2000 to 2018. In other words, a single EVI raster for January, a single EVI raster for February and so on.

I tried code provided in the answer here, but I am still unable to get a month by month as well as yearly average of EVI as needed above.

My code:

Best Answer

Ok, here's some code to solve your problem. Question 2 is addressed first with a 12-layer raster image being exported to your drive, then the second export is an example for a single year (example is with 2001).

Edit: wrong link.

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