[GIS] Norwegian and Swedish Coastline/Shoreline Types GIS Data


I am looking for a data source for Coastline or Shoreline data of Norway and Sweden. I have this data for Denmark, and it specifies the coastline type such as:
– Man made
– Rocky
– Sandy
– Vegetated/Marsh

I have been trawling the web, and not found much. I am using QGIS 2.14.5 (Essen) and a vector shapefile (.SHP) or Raster data source would be best.

Best Answer

The EEA (European Environment Agency) has a European coastline shapefile located here: http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eea-coastline-for-analysis-1/gis-data/europe-coastline-shapefile

It's very detailed and contains the countries you need. You'll have to demarcate them into the relevant countries using another layer though.

The EEA is a great source for this kind of spatial data.