[GIS] Normalize the NDVI raster 0-255


NDVI values raster computed by using the band 3 and band 4 reflectance values b4-b3/b4+b3. The output raster is of 32bit type formate although the possible ranges that shows in statistics parameter are from -0.35 to +0.65. Are this is due to abnormal values that have been accounted for no data values. If yes then how can i remove those values from the output raster or make them out during the calculation of NDVI in raster calculator.

@Whuber. commented in a post normalize raster, but cannot understand how to do into my case of ration images. there are 5 images that i took for comparison but how do i normalize them to compare easily

Best Answer

You are asking a lot of questions, not just one.

Are this is due to abnormal values that have been accounted for no data values.

NoData values will be excluded from calculations. If the value of 0 is being used to notate NoData, you are going to have bad results. Check the attribute table to see what your data uses (other popular choices are -999 and the like).

the possible ranges that shows in statistics parameter are from -0.35 to +0.65.

The valid range of NDVI values are {-1, 1}. Your value ranges are within the expected range of NDVI values.

NDVI raster 0-255

This is not a good idea, but it is possible using a bit of algebra.

Not a good idea because it is already normalized for comparison between images (that's what the N stands for in NDVI). The range of NDVI values are {-1, 1}. Usually < 0 means not vegetation and > 0 means vegetation. It is likely that you need to calibrate your NDVI to your specific images by comparing various pixel thresholds with manually classified data (vegetation/no vegetation) to somewhere around .1-.2.

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