[GIS] No module named pyspatialite- plugin:Qspatialite, OpenSUSE 13.1


I cannot run the plugin because of module missing.

I can't find that module in the OpenSuse repository, and python community repository.

I'm using QGIS 2,0 and OpenSuse 13,1

Where can I find module pyspatialite with dependencies, because I've found that module at:

but if I try install it I get:

nothing provides python-modules needed by python-module-pyspatialite-3.0.1-alt1.i586.

Module psycopg is installed in system – with no effect.

Thanks for answer, Tom

Best Answer

pyspatialite is a Python interface to the SQLite/SpatiaLite databases, as psycopg2 for PostgreSQL and has nothing to do with QGIS. They are Python modules which settled in the site-packages folder of your Python installation

You install it as any other Python module (easy_install, pip). I don't use OpenSuse but you can look at Spatialite and Python on Ubuntu