
I was looking on was NMEA sentences. From which I got a series of know how doubts.

I got to know about the terms like $GPGGA, GPHDT, GPGSV, GPGLL from GPS data. Also I could see many new terms like PASCD, PAGCD, PADCH.

What forms the source for these sentences, and what does these refer to ?
I couldn't get any information on these sentences, kindly help me out in this

Best Answer

NMEA is the abbreviated name of the organisation. Presumably you are looking for NMEA 0183 interface specification, which you can buy from the organisation - see http://www.nmea.org/.

Garmin (and other manufacturers) have proprietary extensions (which is the meaning of "P" in the label). The Garmin ones can be found at http://www8.garmin.com/support/pdf/NMEA_0183.pdf (thanks to Where can I find documentation on the NMEA sentences supported by the Garmin GLO?), but yours look like another manufacturer (since Garmin ones have "GRM"). A partial list is provided as part of the GPSD documentation at http://catb.org/gpsd/NMEA.html#_vendor_extensions.

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