[GIS] New fields added via ArcGIS Online not appearing on Collector


This question has appeared in some random threads (https://community.esri.com/thread/217461-field-added-on-arcgis-online-does-not-appear-on-collector) with no clear solution.

Basic premise:

  • Simple collector setup with one KML file (two small polygons, hosted feature layer)
  • Initially 8 fields that required answering
  • I have full permissions over the groups/settings
  • Maps can be used offline and are working properly

The problem:

I needed to add 3 more fields to the questionnaire, which I successfully added via ArcGIS online. However, these fields are not showing up on the collector application. Moreover, the fields are not selected as 'on' when viewing the online map, and ticking them 'on' does not persist when closing and re-opening the online map.

Attempted solutions:

  • Removed and re-downloaded collector survey

Is there a setting/step I am missing?

Best Answer

Couple things I would recommend doing - Update the popup in the web map to have those fields as visible and editable. Also click Save to layer after making those changes as well so the feature layer item and web map have those changes - Refresh the map list in Collector. iOS pull to refresh, Android has that option on the overflow menu.

Then re-download the map.

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