[GIS] New Delhi, India, town level boundary files for GIS


I'm trying to find boundary files for New Delhi to map religious diversity (data here:
http://www.censusindia.gov.in/DigitalLibrary/MFTableSeries.aspx), and I have downloaded the GADM files and tried some other sources mentioned in earlier threads. My data is at the town level and I am looking for a shapefile at the town level for New Delhi. So far, the files I've found do not match the boundaries of the towns/areas listed in the excel sheet.

Can someone help me find the right file?

Best Answer

I'm not sure exactly what you need. Do you need a shapefile for the New Delhi, India boundary or a shapefile that includes each town's boundaries? I quickly found the New Delhi, India administrative boundary in OpenStreetMap and the extracted it with a query in overpass-turbo.eu. If you need boundaries for the individual towns I altered the query and found them. Just click 'Run' at the top and then you can download your data in a few different ways inclusding shapefile. Overpasss-turbo is a very powerful and quick way to extract data from the OSM database.