[GIS] Needing ArcGIS Server to edit MS SQL Server database

arcgis-10.2arcgis-desktoparcgis-serversql server

Here is what I have:

ArcGIS Desktop Advanced (10.2) & MS SQL Server 2008 R2

Here is my problem:

I need to be able to connect to the ms sql server and import, export, create, and edit spatial data. I can connect to my database and export features to it using the "Feature Class to Geodatabase" tool but can't edit the data once bringing it back into an ArcMap session. I have tried using the "Create Enterprise Geodatabase" tool available with the advanced desktop license but it asks for an Authorization File (for ArcGIS for Server I assume) that I don't have. I have looked at prices for ArcGIS for Server and it is not feasible option.

Are there alternatives to achieve what I need to using what I currently have licenses for?

Where does arcSDE fit into this?

Best Answer

To be able to work with a geodatabase stored in SQL Server you would need at least ArcGIS Server Basic Workgroup (see matrix here). You can work with simple features in ArcMap, but no geodatabase editing or alike will be available.

Since you have ArcGIS Desktop (I assume you have Standard or Advanced), you get automatically access to geodatabase stored within SQL Server Express (referred to as database server).

It might be a good start if buying ArcGIS Server is not a feasible option. This is what you get with database server in ArcGIS Desktop (applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only). You will be limited though:

only 3 simultaneous connections can be established (including ArcGIS Server services if you will have any later on), the max size of the geodatabase is 10GB, and there are other SQL Server Express (non-Esri) related limitations on hardware.

enter image description here

You get access to SQL Server Express either on your own or through Esri Customer Care Portal (access with your customer account). There is a detailed tutorial on that here.

I suggest you to get started with the database server first and see whether it suits your needs with some workarounds here and there.

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