[GIS] Need help in Print task in ArcGIS JSAPI 3.2/3.3


I am using print task in my code and using dynamic map service layer and graphics layer (not using feature service layer) and I am able to print the map but it’s not displaying info window and graphics in the print out.

So any help will be great!!

Complete code on JSFiddle (I removed my server name)

What I am trying:

  1. I am going though this example in which I found that they are using graphics layer + feature layer and graphics is coming while printing the map

  2. Replaced with ESRI sample REST service for the print task still not getting the graphics and info-window

  3. Researching on my side

screenshot 1 : with graphics and info window

screenshot 2: after performing print task

Software’s: ArcGIS for Server and Desktop version 10.1 and JSAPI version 3.2/3.3

Best Answer

You're running into a bug in the printTask. Check this esri forum post http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/61448-Problen-with-the-Print-Task?p=254619#post254619

For labeling, I worked around this by adding another separate graphic layer: 1. You can get esri.symbol.TextSymbol to show up by creating another graphic layer and adding it to that layer 2. FYI, the offset and alignment are ignored on the TextSymbol

I don't know if that will help with infowindows/popups...

Also, more here http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/75263-Print-TextSymbol?highlight=print+graphic

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