[GIS] n opensource software to route openstreetMap data based on database


I have a project that consists in aggregate traffic information on OpenStreetMap for routing proposes. My first idea is to use the OSM data from the region on a database, so I can aggregate the traffic information on the table, probably adjusting the cost column.

The problem is that all the routing software that I have already downloaded and tested creates a bin or obj file from the OSM instead of working with databases, so does anyone know an opensource software that creates and draw routes on OpenStreemaps based on database?

Best Answer

I would start with the OpenStreetMap Wiki. From there, I would say that pgRouting is one of the more popular OS DB routing tools. If going with the pgRouting approach, OSM2PO is a popular way of creating the sql import statements for large regions of OSM data, as I heard that the usual database import utility used with pgRouting, osm2pgrouting, has trouble with larger datasets.

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