[GIS] Multiple input tables for Add Field in ModelBuilder


My model requires field1 to be added to fc1 and fc2, and then calculated according to a Python expression calc1. field2 is then added to fc2, and calculated using calc1. How do I add the multiple feature classes as the input to Add Field and Calculate Field? I have tried creating an input table variable as a list of values, and while it accepts fc1 and fc2 when I type it in, the model does not run ("dataset does not exist").

edit I'm adding these fields so that I can join the tables on a common pre-existing field and populate fc2.field1 with the values from fc1.field1.

model screenshot

Best Answer

Have you tried to use Add Field twice? First for fc1 and then another block for fc2. Add Field tool accepts only single table/feature class as input.

It will look similar to: Add Field example

If you have many feature classes and want to add field to each of them then you can use iterators in ModelBuilder (take a look at "Iterate Datasets" section) or convert to python script and use loops if you are convenient with python.