[GIS] Multiple attribute symbology in ArcMap

arcgis-10.3arcgis-desktopcolor rampsymbology

I have a layer I need to symbolise with graduated colours based on one field and graduated symbols based on another field.

Sizes are based on a field that stores a count (range 1 to 50). Colours are based on a field that stores cost (range 0 to 7500).

I set up Symbology by selecting Multiple Attributes, choosing my Count field and manually setting the sizes, then selecting Variation by Colour Ramp and choosing my Cost field for the ramp.

It has mostly worked, except it's not using quite the same colour ramp as I selected. The two highest values are using the same colour, and I can't find a way to update it.

Symbology > Multiple Attributes:
enter image description here

Colour Ramp:
enter image description here

End result (note the high values are still yellow, not red):
enter image description here

The largest point on the map in my screenshot above should be coloured red, as the value for this point is over $4000.

Has anyone had success in setting symbology this way? What do I need to do/change to get this to work?

Best Answer

This is a bug. It is using the color ramp, but only a small portion of it. It doesn't matter how you change the settings, you're not going to get the full color ramp for your points. You will only get a small section of the color ramp. You may be able to improve the color range by increasing the number of classes, changing the class break values, or adjusting the range. Please post a comment if any of those tests work for you.

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