[GIS] Multipatch to polygon/polyline conversion in ArcGIS Pro


I have a file captured from Bentley software already converted to .shp format. I would like to have polygon or polyline to be able to simply edit it but I don't know how to convert Multipatch to polyline/polygon without loosing Z-values. I tried Multipatch Footprint but as the result I have 2D layer. As well I tried to generate points using Feature Vertices to Points and it works, but my goal is to create TIN model and here I don't want to include all points (some of them are below desired surface).

Does ArcGIS Pro have another tool which could help me?

Best Answer

You said your goal is to create a TIN model so I assume you have access to Spatial Analyst. If so, you could try using the Multipatch to Raster tool of ArcGIS Pro. The Z value will be stored as the raster cell value and you can either edit raster or convert it to shapefile for more convenient editing.

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