[GIS] Moving two layers at once in QGIS


I'm trying to move two digitized layers, one containing points, the other polygons to a different location at the same time. QGIS doens't seem to allow this. Even if I select both layers and features it will only move one (the one I last selected, so which ever feature is shown in editor)

I know ArcGIS allows multiple layers to be moved at once, just with the moving tool or with the spatial adjusment. I haven't been able to reproduce this in QGIS.

Best Answer

I've got the same task with polygons' and points' layers (most of points are snapped to polygons, so I have to be precise). 01 I assume, the best way to solve this task is by transfering all layers to the polygon type:

  1. Create a special field in both (or more) layers which would help you to recognize which layer each feature is from. Make sure your 'polygon' layer has all the fields which are in others (in my case 'points') layers. It prevents you to lose data.
  2. Create buffer around your 'points' layer.
  3. Copy created objects to the 'polygons' layer. You have to make sure you can recognize "external" features. In my case, they have the code '1'.codes
  4. Move all the items.moving
  5. Select features from your 'polygons' layer, which has the appropriate layer code (in my case '1').
  6. Create centroids from selected features.
  7. Replace your points from 'points' layer with new created ones. Points remain snapped.

Still not perfect, but way better :)result

It's also possible to do the same with the lines' layer