[GIS] Moving point shapefile to the centroid of polygon


I have this point shapefiles on top of a bounded polygon. I would like to move each point to the centroid of each bounded polygon.

Is there an automatic way in ArcGIS 10.1 of solving this?

Like in the image shown below

enter image description here

Best Answer

if you don't have an advanced licence, here is how you can do :

add 2 fields on your polygons, one for X and the other for Y

use the "calculate geometry field" to extract the X and Y coordinates of your polygon

use the spatial join tool to transfer the attributes of the polygons to the points

with the X and Y coordinate from table of this new set of points, make a table view for this data then create an XY layer event. This will give you new points with all the attributes of your initial point feature class and located at the position of the centroid.

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