ArcPy – Moving/Offsetting Point Locations Using ArcPy or ModelBuilder


I have a number non-georeferenced CAD layers (see this question) that have text annotation features. I have created a model to convert the text to points, but after converting the annotation to a Point featureclass, I see that the CAD text anchor points do not coincide with the center of the CAD text (which is where the points belong).

Therefore, I would like to programatically (using ArcPy or ModelBuilder) [move] a feature relative to its current location (delta x,y) using a measured X,Y value that I will provide.

This would allow me to move the GIS points back to where they belong, instead of the offset CAD anchor point.

How can I accomplish this task?

@PolyGeo gave an excellent answer using SHAPE@XY IN 10.1, but currently I am running 10.0. Any 10.0 ideas?

Best Answer

This code should do it using the SHAPE@XY token that came with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor in ArcGIS 10.1.

import arcpy
# Set some variables
fc = r"C:\temp\test.gdb\testFC"
fc2 = r"C:\temp\test.gdb\testFCcopy"
xOffset = 0.001
yOffset = 0.001
# Code to make a copy which will have its coordinates moved (and can be compared with original)
if arcpy.Exists(fc2):
# Perform the move
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc2, ["SHAPE@XY"]) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        cursor.updateRow([[row[0][0] + xOffset,row[0][1] + yOffset]])

The coding pattern used here came from ArcPy Café.

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