[GIS] Mosaic to new raster: same number of bands issue


I am trying to mosaic 32 raster files (min value 0, max value 13) into one raster file so that I can later use this new raster to extract multiple values to points. However, when I try and mosaic the rasters, this error comes up:

<<Input and target dataset should have the same number of bands>>.

I am new to ArcGIS so I am not sure what this means – especially as I do not see a target dataset? Also, I am not sure what the band value should be? When I investigated the data source, it said:

Reference composite imagery are median observations from a set of
quality assessed growing season observations in four spectral bands,
specifically Landsat bands 3, 4, 5, and 7

Therefore logically I would assume that the band value is four? I just don't understand why this isn't working. I am using ArcMap 10.2.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's a little background info on raster bands. Think about it like this: an RGB image would have 3 bands, one for red, one for green, and one for blue. Each raster cell would have 3 values, one for each band. The Landsat imagery has 4, because they include an extra band for infrared values as well.

In your case, there is only one band because each cell only has one value, a value from 0 to 13. To confirm this, open the properties for the raster and look in the source tab. Also, check out the symbology tab.

When the error message says "target raster" it's just referring to the output you're trying to create. You are putting in a bunch of single band rasters and expecting to get a 4-band raster.

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