[GIS] mosaic raster to file geodatabase yields missing raster sections


Since upgrading to ArcGIS 10.1 (SP 1) from 10.0, I've been encountering an issue when running the arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management() tool with output to a file geodatabase. I'm principally working with python, but I've duplicated the issue in ArcMap.

Consider a sample dataset, available here, which includes two states (MA and CT) of gSSURGO soil rasters. Create a file geodatabase for outputs, then:

outGDB = <your file geodatabase>    
arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.SpatialReference("North America Albers Equal Area Conic")
arcpy.env.OverwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.pyramid = "PYRAMIDS -1 NEAREST DEFAULT"
#arcpy.env.snapRaster = <your snap raster> # I snap to an NLCD layer, not sure its pertinent to the example, though
arcpy.env.cellSize = 30

inFolder = <the folder which contains the extracted zip file contents>
inList = []
arcpy.env.workspace= inFolder
for f in arcpy.ListFiles():


The operation successfully produces a new raster, but for me it has some unusual properties. Namely, I find large sections of the file do not display when zoomed out:
enter image description here

And as I zoom in incrementally, the gaps fill:
enter image description here
enter image description here

A few notes:

  • The "Identify" tool tip shows that there is data present even when not depicted. The same issue occurs in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog.
  • The issue does not occur when I perform arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management() with output to a regular system folder.
  • Scale range is set to "Show layers at all scales".
  • As I zoom out, the whole extent disappears eventually.

Best Answer

Check to see if build overviews or pyramids is on when you run this process. The missing display indicates that the overview or pyramid for the "white" area did not generate correctly.

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