[GIS] Modis Reprojection Tool mirror or download alternative


I need to convert and reproject a complete archive of MODIS *.hdf data.

NASA's Modis Reprojection Tool is literally designed for this, and I even have an old script from the last time I performed this task on this very archive. However, I can't download the MRT right now because the US Government Shutdown has shut down the download site:


The requested service is temporarily unavailable. It is either overloaded or under maintenance. Please try later.

Does anyone know an alternate repository where I can download the Linux64 (or 32..) source files or .deb for the MRT?

Best Answer

for my specific application, subsetting one band of the modis data to a specific region specified in -te, this seems to work:

gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:32633 -te xmin ymin xmax ymax -tr xPixelres -yPixelres -srcnodata "32767" -r bilinear input_hdf-eos output.tif

hdf_eos should be in the form:


for example, projecting the subdata set describing visible spectrum of Black Sky Albedo

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