[GIS] Missing osgeo in QGIS 3.4 Madeira (macOS High Sierra)


I am trying to install QGIS 3.4 on my Mac. When I open QGIS I get a message that osgeo is missing.

Couldn't load plugin 'processing'

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'osgeo'

Here are the steps I've gone through:

  1. I installed Python 3.6.8, per QGIS's instructions

This distribution requires Python 3.6 (only python.org Python 3 is supported, another python 3 installation can't be substituted, ONLY the MOST RECENT 3.6, not a later 3.7+). Python must be installed before installing QGIS.

  1. I installed the packages named in the QGIS readme using python3 -m pip install packagename

Some Python modules are required and installed using pip from files in the installer. Modules will be upgraded if already installed. Installed modules include (plus any dependencies):

owslib, PyYaml, psycopg2, jinja2, pygments, numpy, plotly

  1. I then installed QGIS without hiccup
  2. When I opened QGIS I was warned of an error (full log at end of question)
  3. Looking online I found that osgeo is a part of the GDAL package and that this is a common problem for installing QGIS 3.0. However, for QGIS 3.0 the install includes a step for installing GDAL before QGIS but this step and dmg is lacking in version 3.4.
  4. Still, I downloaded GDAL and ran the dmg file. GDAL (and subsidiarily osgeo) is now in my Library/Frameworks folder.
  5. Still, though when I run QGIS I receive the same error.
  6. Not knowing how Python works (I've used a previous version of QGIS and never needed Python – why do I need it now?) I went to Terminal again and ran python3 -m pip install gdal but this resulted in error:

… No such file or directory: 'gdal-config': 'gdal-config'

Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /private/var/folders/f1/_nnmjmr53_s39dc46sfkj10w0000gn/T/pip-install-suyzpo9n/gdal/

I presume that I need to activate osgeo or gdal somehow but I don't know how. I'm surprised by how difficult this install is, especially for a program that doesn't require command line work once inside, and which previously had a much easier install.


  • My ultimate question is how do I install QGIS 3.4 on macOS
  • I believe though the answer is that I need to install gdal, so my question becomes how do I install in gdal in a way that QGIS recognizes.

Many questions already exist about similar problems when installing QGIS but almost all of these are for QGIS 3.0, in which GDAL is a part of the installation process. I am asking for QGIS 3.4. with related scenarios but different problems / different versions

Best Answer

I had the same problem and solved it by:

  • removing both /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework and

  • downloading the old QGIS 3.0 installer from here and installing only GDAL_complete, not QGIS itself.

  • after that, downloading the latest unified installer (3.4.3-2 as of writing, same page above) and runing the setup again.

Rather crude approach but I was fed up fiddling with those libraries.

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