[GIS] Mirror two data frames


Is it possible to link two data frames so that they mirror each other? I know I can set the extent of one data frame to that of another data frame, but then you can only pan/zoom in the parent frame. Basically just want the two data frames to mirror one another.

I would like the flexibility to pan and zoom in which ever data frame is active, not just the "parent" data frame. This is different from setting the extent of one data frame to match that of another, where only the parent data frame has the ability to pan and zoom. I am using ArcMap 10.1.

I have made this suggestion to ArcGIS Idea: Mirror Data Frames – ArcGIS Idea

Best Answer

As commented by @Baltok:

One method that isn't fully dynamic, is to use a Viewer Window. You could open a viewer on one data frame and zoom around. Then just choose zoom map to viewer to get the other data frame at the same extent. This works alright if the viewer window data frame is only being used for a reference. It also works handy if you have multiple monitors because you can place your viewer window on another screen.

If you require more than this workaround then I recommend that you submit an ArcGIS Idea and post its link here. An existing idea entitled Linked Data Frames does not seem to be what you are after.

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