[GIS] MFC Dialog Application using ESRI ArcEngine 10.0


I'm new to ESRI ArcObjects and I'm trying to create a basic MFC dialog application. I add the License and MapControl to the dialog resource. I compile and run the app, but I get the following runtime error:-

Could not bind to a valid ArcGIS installation.
CoCreateInstance of OLE control {D7EAD71E-B663-4DCE-82C7-AEE2793DF5F3} failed.

Result code: 0x80040111
Is the control is properly registered?
Warning: Resource items and Win32 Z-order lists are out of sync. Tab order may be not defined well.
MFCDlg2.exe has triggered a breakpoint

I have registered the OCX's and I can see them in the registry. I'm running Win7 (64 bit) and Visual Studio 2008.

Please can anyone help


Best Answer

Are you compiling as an x86 (32-bit) application? ArcObjects is 32-bit only, so your application must be as well.

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